Financial Professionals: If we could get you in front of more high net worth clients while giving you the tools to put more money in their bank accounts, would you meet with us for 30 minutes to learn how we can help you help your clients even more?

Step 1: Watch The Video Below Now To Learn How ▶️ 👇

Step 2: Tell Us About Your Business

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Strategic Financial Systems - Growth Partner Program

Financial advisors and professionals…

How would you like to tap into a network of expert advisors, service providers, and consultants dedicated to collaboratively helping business owners reach their goals faster and with less effort so you get more recurring revenue, a constant deal flow and make a bigger impact on the world? 

What if you could:

✅ Get constant referrals and recurring income from local expert partners?

✅ Build trust and authority faster and easier than ever?

✅ Get paid upfront for your advice and problem-solving skills

✅ Create additional income and net worth for your clients and participate in it?

✅ Insure the additional income and wealth you create? Or manage the extra money you generate for them?

✅ Provide more of the products and services business owners need AND show them how to pay for it with increased cash flow?

✅ Get CPAs, attorneys, bankers, lenders, insurers, and all B2B service providers all on the same team?

Who Is This For?

This is for you if you are established, honest, ethical and in one of the following industries:

  • Tax Professionals

  • Accountants / Bookkeepers

  • Business Brokers

  • Insurance Agents or Brokers

  • Commercial Lenders

  • Money Managers

  • Estate Planners

  • Marketing or business growth specialists

Who Is This NOT For?

Due to the nature of this program, our ethics and our vision, we will not accept anyone who is:

❌ New to business / not yet at the top of their game or don’t yet have a fair sized database

❌ Selfish, greedy and only concerned about their fees and commissions, instead of being focused on generating amazing results for their clients

❌ Lazy or unmotivated

❌ Debbie Downers who kill momentum

❌ Excuse-makers with a scarcity mindset

When You Join Our Elite Group of Vetted Industry Experts, You’ll:

✅ Get woven into the fabric of each partner’s database of clients.

✅ Get your own system for generating predictable referrals and annuity income.

✅ Get paid upfront to share your unique expertise.

✅ Join a network of advisors collaborating to fuel our clients' success.

✅ Become a Founding Growth Partner (with licensing, royalties, and equity).

You're Going To Receive:

⚡ “Power Offers” so your ideal clients shout “Yes! I want to work with you!

📖 Featured in a book of experts so you’re perceived as the authority you are.

▶️ Short form “viral style” expert videos showcasing your expertise on social media.

🤝🏽 A systematic referral network where you’re integrated directly into the business of other non-competing financial experts. 

🚀 Co-branded sales funnels that seamlessly add complementary offerings from other trusted experts in our network giving you more credibility and the ability to offer more value to your clients without any additional effort from you.

🤩 5 star review systems that get more glowing reviews and build trust with prospects.

👋 Hands free review responses show prospects you care about your clients.

😍 Eye-catching review images to build trust and credibility wherever people see you.

🤖 Smart A.I chat that responds to all your leads from across the web within seconds, 24/7/365 so you provide a better customer experience no matter the time or day.

🗓️ A.I lead qualification and scheduling so you only ever speak to leads who fit your ideal client profile. This saves you boatloads of time each day.

💬 A.I auto-text-back systems for missed calls, so no lead gets lost ever.

‼️ Personalization systems to make first impressions unforgettable.

🔥 Infrared, heat map technology to see exactly how website visitors interact with your site in real time so we can optimize for improvements.

📩 Proven Database Outreach campaigns that deliver real results right out the gate so you start seeing returns immediately.

📈 Annual Audit campaigns that give you more opportunities to add value to your clients, upsell into other services, ask for reviews or referrals… maximizing your client’s lifetime value.

🌱 Long Term Lead Nurture campaigns to add value and to keep you top of mind so you’re the first to call when they’re ready to buy.

🎯 Targeted Outreach campaigns through LinkedIn and email to attract more referral partners and high net worth clients.

🔎 Wholesale rates for getting found organically in Google search to attract high buyer intent clients and further adding to your local authority.

🏆 Authority Ads get you seen everywhere online, making you seem even bigger than you are, keeping you top of mind while building more brand awareness (just cover your ad budget).

You Will Also Get:

💰 Licensing, fees, equity, and royalties (from area directors and area growth partners)

✨ Positioned as an authority in your local marketplace

👨‍💼👩‍💼 Access to our board of elite advisors 

👨‍🏫 Training showing you exactly how to acquire, fund, and reduce risk in deals

👥 An exclusive, members only, online community of your peers to support, educate and motivate you for constant improvement

🚀 A pipeline of opportunities locally and nationwide

🤑 A proven system for creating sustainable wealth

This Will Allow You To:

  • Get more high net worth clients

  • Find your way off income rollercoaster

  • Get back more of your time

  • Build a protective moat around your clients

  • Acquire, negotiate, and fund businesses with ease

  • Add more value to your clients without additional fulfillment

  • Reduce risk in your business

  • Stop chasing deals and wondering where the next client comes from

Limited Opportunity

We are seeking top financial experts for this limited opportunity. 

Our exclusive partner network needs proven thought leaders to create content that shows high earners how to build wealth while reducing taxes. 

Timing is critical. Most business owners just finished paying high tax bills without guidance on legal strategies to minimize taxes and maximize income.

That's where you come in. 

When you join our elite group of financial authorities, you'll get:

- National promotion as a leading financial / business expert

- Direct access to our network of investors and high-value clients 

- Training and resources to further establish your authority status 

- Collaboration opportunities and joint ventures

- An equity stake in our rapidly growing initiative

Our area exclusive growth partners will promote your content to train advisors and generate deal flow to the public. 

Demand is already high for proven financial authorities like yourself. But we only work with the best of the best. 

Spots are limited. Our rigorous vetting ensures we partner only with those as passionate about results as we are.

Are you ready to:

- Establish yourself as a leading wealth-building authority?

- Create content that captivates high-value audiences?

- Reduce your client acquisition costs through our networks?

- And potentially 10x your income over the next 12 months?

Then request an application today. Positioning is exclusive and availability is limited as we can only work with one subject matter growth expert at a time until we publish another book, webinar, workshop, round table, and mastermind series.

Let's work together to show more people how to build wealth the right way.

How Much Is Your Investment?

Everything you’ll get has a no B.S, real world value of $60,000+.

However, becoming a founding Growth Partner is just $24,833 for the first year.


6 monthly payments of $5,947.

Note: After speaking with you, if we aren’t 100% confident that we can make you at least 10X more than you pay us within the first year, we won’t ask you to join our Growth Partner Program or ask you for a single dime.

Next Steps:

1️⃣ Apply using the application form on this page to see if you qualify 

2️⃣ Schedule a call on the following page to discuss becoming a Founding Growth Partner

3️⃣ Once you’ve been accepted into the program, we will send you wiring instructions for your initiation payment.

Your Choice

🏆 Work with us, help more clients to achieve their goals while achieving yours.

🛑 Do nothing. Stay where you are right now. Nothing changes.

Take action now. Submit your application below. 👇👇

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